There's No Better Feeling

Jack has been a member since the early 80s. He chatted with us for a few minutes while on the elliptical, and we asked how his life would’ve been different without the Y.

Jack: I can’t imagine it. As long as I can make it through those doors, I’m going to be here.

Do you have any current fitness goals?

Jack: As you get a little bit older in life, it’s about—still getting a good workout in—but it’s a different goal: Keep the ole ticker good. Watch what you eat. Try to stay a little bit toned, you know.

Sounds like it’s working for you.

Jack: I never dread coming, and there’s no better feeling than walking out the doors, because you’ve got that workout in. You’ve got that adrenaline going. It just makes the whole rest of the day go better.

That’s the best! So, as a local, you’ve probably seen this community change a lot.

Jack: Well, you know what? It makes it interesting, kind of like Baskin Robbins 21 flavors.

Haha, yes and their other 10 flavors too.

Jack: 31, that’s right! You need people from all, everywhere, coming in and talking.

Do you like to strike up conversations here?

Jack: Oh, absolutely. Typically what happens is, you start seeing people in here at the same time. You say hey. It just grows from there. It doesn’t matter the age—it’s amazing how much you can have in common.

And it seems like you have an appreciation for the differences as well.

Jack: I talk to people very easily, if you couldn’t tell. Most people in here are that way. The younger ones are a little more serious. When they get a little older, they won’t be quite as serious. That’s just kind of the way it goes. I used to be serious myself.

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