Keeping Active as a Family

Meet some newer faces on the wellness floor: Teresa and her 14-year-old son, Sebastian, who moved here from Michigan less than a year ago. How are you handling the Middle Tennessee summers?

Teresa: I love it! I’m from an island. The Dominican Republic.

This southern humidity’s got nothing on you, then. Do you two always work out together?

Teresa: It’s his first time here today.

Oh, great! Whatcha think so far, Sebastian?

Sebastian: I like it here.

Teresa: I want him to do the regular aerobics, the cardio. I don’t want for him to start weights so soon. I’d rather him do what he likes, which is running and bikes.

Mom knows best! He’s off to a good start. Looks like you’re both right at home here.

Teresa: We’re enjoying the Y. They always have activities, the pool area for the kids. For me, it’s the classes: Zumba, boot camp. But the biggest advantage that we take from the YMCA is soccer.

So we’ve got some footballers in the family, huh?

Teresa: My younger boy, he’s been in soccer every season.

What a champ! Sounds like you’re a pretty active bunch. We hope you’ll all keep showing up to do things you enjoy!

Teresa: I’m telling you—whenever I have the chance, I come here.

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