Building Bonds that Last

Warren (right) is a familiar face at the Southern Hills location, and his buddies are a big reason.

"We don’t just come in here and work out, we come in here and enjoy each other."

He parks his car far enough away from the center to get a good run in before and after lifting weights with the machines.

“I do about the same thing every morning. You can work out just about every muscle in your body in here.”

This is his daily routine, except for Sundays.

“I just like to try and be in a little bit better shape than I was. I’m 80 years old, so I’m here as often as I can be. And it’s been pretty often. I really enjoy it, and we have a good time in here.”

Such a good time, in fact, that his workout buddies have become some of the most important people in his life.

“With the people we’ve become acquainted with here, some of us are lifelong friends now.”

One of those folks, 78-year-old Kenneth, chimes in.

“Yeah it’s a good place, as he says, to get together with these old people.” [they laugh]

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